Website Redesign

Website Redesign

Website Redesign


The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) embarked on a website redesign project with the aim of revitalizing their online presence and creating a modern, user-centric digital experience. The objectives of this project were to make the website lightweight, scalable, mobile-first, globally accessible, and optimized for performance. The redesigned website was intended to convey a refreshed and responsive design while accommodating a global audience and supporting multiple markets with local language translations.


My team began by conducting extensive user testing and market research to gain valuable insights into user preferences and pain points. These insights informed the development of wireframes and visual designs for every page along the user journey.

Global User Testing

Global accessibility and performance optimization were analyzed through a robust global usability testing program. To test in multiple countries we utilized the remote testing capability of We then created a list of prioritized recommendations based on impact and level of effort to complete. 

Leveraging the Strength of Sitecore

Content management and SEO were significantly improved through the adoption of Sitecore as the foundational content management system. This robust platform facilitated content management and enabled the optimization of the website for search engines, taking full advantage of Sitecore’s A/B testing and personalization capabilities.

Improved candidate and CMA experience

Member and candidate engagement received a significant boost through the redesign of member dashboards to meet the needs of both CMAs and CMA Candidates. Additionally, notifications were effectively implemented to guide CMA Candidates through the exam preparation process, enhancing their chances of success.

In addition to these solutions, the project delivered comprehensive deliverables, including content mapping, user flows, wireframes, visual design, a digital style guide, and a reusable component library. These deliverables ensured a cohesive and consistent online presence, addressing the challenges faced by IMA and positioning them for success in the digital landscape.

©2024 Marc Acosta

©2024 Marc Acosta

©2024 Marc Acosta